The SADC in the world

The SADC in the year 2017 had a population of 342,063,777 people, which means a 1.8110-5 of the total african population. Even though the little percentage of population density of the region, the organisation is taking part in some international matters.

The cooperation of Africa in international issues started in 1963 with the creation of the Organisation of African Unity with the aim of achieving unity and peace in all the continent.
Continental and inter-regional cooperation and integration efforts have been ongoing for several decades now. Theory and experience have proved that such cooperation can positively contribute to capacity development, infrastructure and economic development across countries and regions.

There are two main cooperation initiatives in which the SADC takes part:
  • NePAD: this is an agreement between the African Union and the SADC with the specific intention of affront challenges on poverty, under-development and marginalisation in Africa. Its specifics objectives are:
To eradicate poverty
           To place African countries on a path of sustainable growth and development
           To accelerate the empowerment of women
           To enhance the full participation of the region in international economy
  • Tripartite Cooperation: this cooperation is between three international organizations: the COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), EAC (East African Community) and the SADC. It consist of a common market and free trade area and its main goal is to achieve a deep economic integration between african countries.

The three main pillars of the Tripartite Strategy are market integration, infrastructure development and industrial development.
