Where have we found all this information?

In order to do this research, we've consulted various sources.


SADC official webpage [online] consulted on October the 6th
This is SADC official webpage, where they briefly explain which countries are part of it and what are their main objectives. The page is in English.

FAO webpage [online] consulted on October the 6th
In this section of the FAO webpage they explain a project that the SADC has against famine in its region. The page is in spanish.

Encyclopaedia Britannica webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th.
This explains briefly what's the SADC. This page is in English.

Mémoire Online webpage [online] consulted on October 7th.
This website talks about the internal division of the SADC. This page is in French.

Amesty International official webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th.
This website talks about the role of the SADC in Democratic Republic of Congo.

Expansión: Datos Macro webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th
This website covers the basic data numbers, such as GDP, population...


African Directory Services Youtube channel [online] watched on October the 6th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F34tGSPu6bM
In this short video they explain what is the SADC an a little bit of its history. The video is English.

SADC official webpage [online] consulted on October the 6th

Depositphotos webpage [online] consulted on October the 13th.

The State House of Uganda official webpage [online] consulted on October the 13th.

Mining and Mineral Beneficiation: Mineral Value Chain Opportunities
SlidePlayer presentation, Paul Jordan, March 2016, consulted on October the 14th.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa official webpage [online] consulted on October the 13th.

Sahara Press Service webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th. 

L’Afrique et L’Europe: Atlas du XXème siècle,
Under direction of Philippe Lemarchand. Published on 1994.
This books looks into the differences between the African countries.


General Statistics Office of the USA [online] consulted on October the 6th https://web.archive.org/web/20060926162838/http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/sadc.html
This is an article in english with some data about the organization such as its resources. It also exposes briefly the organization background. The page is in English.

Sahara Press Service [online] consulted on October the 6th https://www.spsrasd.info/news/es/articles/2017/08/22/10422.html
This is an article about an agreement between Occidental Sahara and the SADC on a charity project. The webpage is in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

This is an article about the 38th summit of the SADC. The article is in spanish.

África Fundación Sur [online] consulted on October the 6th
In this article they talk about a new annexation to the SADC. The article is in Spanish.

Lukasatimes [online] consulted on October the 14th
This articles talks about the role of the SADC in the regional peace.

Sahara Press Service webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th. 
This article summarises the content of the XXXVII Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the SADC.


Small-scale Mining and Sustainable Development within the SADC Region
Bernd Dreschler, commissioned by the MMSD project of the IIED. Published in August 2001.
This report explains the mining development of the region.

Contra Free Movement: South Africa and the SADC Migration Protocols
John. O. Oucho, Jonathan Crush. Published on 2001, by Indiana University Press.
This paper covers the migration issue within the SADC countries.

Régimen jurídico de la gestión de los cursos del agua compartidos en la región de la Comunidad para el Desarrollo del África Austral (SADC)
Eduardo Chiziane. Published in 2013.
This paper talks about the importance of a proper water managements.

Viewpoint - Southern African Water Conflicts: Are they inevitable or preventable?
Dr. Peter Ashton. Published in November 2002, by Science in Africa.
This paper talks about conflicts related to water in Africa.

El mapa de la integración africana: el caso de la SADC
Gladys Lechini. Published on 2017.
This paper talks about the relations between the SADC and the rest of Africa.


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU):
        Regionalism and External Influence
        Johannes Muntschick
        This book explains the reasons behind the African regionalisms, starting from the end of the Cold War.

África en el sistema internacional, cinco siglos de frontera.
         Francisco Javier Peñas. Published on 2000.
           This book analyse the insertion of the different african regions in the international political and economical  system.

La descolonización de África: África Austral y el Cuerno de África.
         A.Mazrui, E.K Mashingaidze, E.L Ntoedibe, E. Jouve, D.Chanaiwa, S.Y. Abdi, B.W. Andrzejewski, R. Pankhurst, H.G Yesus. Published on 1983.
             In this book there is a collection of different documents realated to how was gestionated the African descolonization.

L’Afrique et L’Europe: Atlas du XXème siècle,
Under direction of Philippe Lemarchand. Published on 1994.
This books looks into the differences between the African countries.

Las instituciones políticas del África Negra,
Hubert Deschamps. Published on 1971.
This book investigates the internal political divisions in África and how each country interacts with the others.
