
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

A little bit of its history

The SADC was precursured by the SADCC (Southern African Development Coordinating Conference) established on 1st April 1980 in Zambia. Later in 1992 it was trasnsformed into the SADC. The SADCC was formed to reduce the dependence on South Africa in the Aparheid era and to advance in the cause of national political liberation of Southern Africa. Its four principal objectives were: Reduction of Member State dependence on Aparheid SouthAfrica Forging of linkages to create genuine and equitable regional integration Mobilisation of Member States ’ resources to promote the implementation of national, interstate and regional policies Concerted action to secure international cooperation within the framework of the strategy for economic liberation The transformation from the SADCC to SADC was formalized in the SADC Tready in which the main goals of the organization and its mechanism are set. The organization had five main institutions (Summits of Heads of Institutions/Cou...


In order to ensure that its goals are achieved, SADC has several common projects, in several fields. One of its most important objectives is the proper management of the region's water ressources.  As we all know, African continent is threatened by harsh climatic conditions, such as long and severe droughts. Therefore, the struggles over the control of rivers and lakes is a recurrent problem; governments strive to secure their dominance in those lucky areas where water is not short. As we can now observe, most of the rivers and watercourses shape the borders, which could explain the conflicts. The SADC has created a legal regulation for the shared watercourses managements in its region, the Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses (1995). This protocol not only promotes the fair sharing of this precious ressource, with which the conflicts between nations should cease, but also establishes the polluter-pays principle (PCP), created ...

The SADC in data

Given the fact the SADC is composed of several countries, it's only natural to think there must be quite some differences between them. In fact, despite their will to stand together and help each other to progress, this region is full of contrasts that might put at risk the effectiveness of the organism's projects, as not all of the parts involved are able to contribute as much as their neighbours. First of all, we must talk about the economic aspect. As we can see in this map, most of the countries base its economy in export agriculture (Zimbawe, Mozambique), production of coffee (Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo, for instance) and even mining (such as Zambia). However, while none of these countries have been able to surpass the average income per capita of 3000$, South Africa, with seven differents sources of revenues, that include tourism and gold mining, has an average income per capita of over 5500$. Following this line of observation, we can no...

The SADC in the world

The SADC in the year 2017 had a population of 342,063,777 people, which means a 1.81 10 -5 of the total african population. Even though the little percentage of population density of the region, the organisation is taking part in some international matters. The cooperation of Africa in international issues started in 1963 with the creation of the Organisation of African Unity with the aim of achieving unity and peace in all the continent. Continental and inter-regional cooperation and integration efforts have been ongoing for several decades now. Theory and experience have proved that such cooperation can positively contribute to capacity development, infrastructure and economic development across countries and regions. There are two main cooperation initiatives in which the SADC takes part: NePAD: this is an agreement between the African Union and the SADC with the specific intention of affront challenges on poverty, under-development and marginalisation in Africa. Its ...

What's the SADC?

The SADC (Southern African Development Community) is an international organism  formed by Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbawe. The main goal of the organization is the socio-economic, political and security cooperation between the countries and the integration of their population. The SADC has eight principal organs which are: Summit of Heads of State or Government : its function is the policy-making. Summit Troika of the Organ: its function is promoting peace and security in the region. SADC Tribunal : its function is to ensure adherence to the SADC treaty and subsidiary instruements and to adjudicate upon disputes referred to it. SADC council of Ministers : its function is to oversee the function and development of the SADC. Sectoral and Cluster Ministerial Comittees : it consists of ministers from e...

Examples of integration

Integration is one the main goals in Africa: the idea emerged during the colonial administration and lasted until the 1980's, reborn under the concept of regionalism. This union is basically a means to achieve a great area of economic development (from the point of view of production and finances) to the detriment of isolated markets who wouldn't be able to progress in these modern times. The first step to create this united Africa is to create and consolidate the intergovernmental organizations: there are 200 of them so far, but their level of cooperation doesn't match their great number. These are the main regional organizations. Nevertheless, there are some examples of interaction between them: For instance, during the 9th Summit of Regional Oversight Mechanism of Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) in Kampala, President Edgar Lungu, Head of State of Zambia and representative of the SADC ...

Where have we found all this information?

In order to do this research, we've consulted various sources. WEBSITES SADC official webpage [online] consulted on October the 6th https://www.sadc.int/about-sadc/overview/ This is SADC official webpage, where they briefly explain which countries are part of it and what are their main objectives. The page is in English. FAO webpage [online] consulted on October the 6th http://www.fao.org/in-action/right-to-food-global/regional-level/sadc/es/ In this section of the FAO webpage they explain a project that the SADC has against famine in its region. The page is in spanish. Encyclopaedia Britannica webpage [online] consulted on October the 14th. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Southern-African-Development-Community This explains briefly what's the SADC. This page is in English. Mémoire Online webpage [online] consulted on October 7th. https://www.memoireonline.com/04/11/4511/m_Impact-de-lintegration-regionale-sur-la...